Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How you can use Social Media to Impact the World

February is a busy month. I just finished my talk in UST's PRISM event while I was preparing for a talk to the new Henry Sy Sr. hall in DLSU. It was the Economics Leaders Congress and I had the great privilege to be one of the speakers there. I talked about How you can Use Social Media to Impact the World. ELC Invitation The event started with a talk from mr. Francis Kong
Francis Kong Sean Si ELC
Then the seminar broke out into groups and the youth leaders went to their respective interests. It was an intimate crowd for me. Intimate but jolly and cooperative. I talked about who I am and what my skills, passions and profession is - which led me to my influence (God and You blog). I explained that this is my impact to the world. We are unique - there is no other person exactly like yourself. We all have unique imprints in our world today. Sean Si DLSU 2013 talk 6 Afterwards, I explained the logical outworkings of the social networks to the crowd. I started with Facebook's EdgeRank, moving forward to Twitter's TunkRank and lastly, Google+'s impact to the Search Engine Results Page. If you're interested to book me for a talk, seminar or event, check out my speaking portfolio here or send me an email through this contact form and let's see what we can do: [contact-form-7 id="6129" title="Book Sean Si for a Talk"] Sincerely, Sean-Si-signature Sean Patrick Si SEO Hacker Consultant via

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Building Romance from a Different Blueprint

Heart BlueprintEvery love story has a unique blueprint - a fingerprint, if you would. Some build it from an encounter, some from a character, some from a belief. But there is the question of on what blueprint do you build a life-long romance?

How to Track your Engaging Posts in Google Analytics

Engaged Users I'm pretty sure that you're getting a good number of users pouring in to your website. The real question is, how many people really do read your stuff? How many of your users actually go through your webpages and take time to understand what you're talking about? How do you track that with Google Analytics?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Leave No Room for Discouragement | God and You

feeling discourgedYou must be saying, "But we cannot avoid discouragements!" True, in fact, as much as we cannot predict what will happen in a year, a month or a week, we cannot assume we will not experience anything discouraging in a DAY. But how do we react when we are discouraged? Usually, how long do you stay feeling the way you do after the particular incident "caused" you to be discouraged?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How to Control your Desires

CRAVINGS1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I've read this passage a number of times but it was only last night that it made sense to me.

How to Track Outbound Links using Google Analytics

Outbound Links Tracking For sure you have some outbound links in your website going to other websites for various reasons. We sometimes cite other websites as sources of fun, information, or attribution, etc. You can track which outbound links are clicked by your users by adding a short, simple code in your Google Analytics Tracking code.