Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Advantages of a Joint Venture JV partnership — SEO Hacker

SEO Joint Venture

In the world of internet marketing, you’d usually begin alone, clueless and fumbling in the virtual dark. Here’s a crucial tip though – you don’t need to be. That’s what JV partnerships are for.

Sure, if you feel like you’re a one man show that’s about to crack the ultimate marketing secret, then go ahead and do it. But for most of us that doesn’t necessarily have the time, energy, or more importantly, capital, then going for a joint venture (commonly referred to as a JV) partnerships is the way to go.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How to deal with guilt | God and you

Let’s face it, we all sin and make mistakes. We’re human – ain’t that what we all say? How do we know we are mistaken? We feel this stinging, unenasy feeling that we commonly know as guilt. And oftentimes it stays with us through our memory. Why does it exist? Is it even necessary?

Downcast with guilt

Don't let guilt put you down

When memories burn

Mistakes we make get stuck in our minds. That’s why they say experience is the best teacher (by the way, I disagree with that). When we make mistakes, we remember – because we’ experience what we have to lose. So we do our best to avoid it the next time around if that something we’ll lose is precious to us.

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three Ways to Persuade Readers — SEO Hacker

Remember the time when you saw the movie poster of Inception (assuming you don’t know about it) and said to yourself, “nah, I don’t really need to watch this movie”. But then, come a few days later, all your friends are raving about it. You say you haven’t watched it yet and then, as you see the stunned look on their faces while they stick out their hand to form an ‘L’ sign, you realize, you’re actually missing out.

So the next day (or weekend), you set yourself to watch that movie (and it was awesome!) and try to find some other non-moviegoer guy whom you can pass the ‘L’ sign on too.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

How I get a lot of retweets — SEO Hacker

Social media tool

When you’ve just published a new article or product and you want it to spread around the internet like wildfire to bring in some traffic, it gets a little bit frustrating seeing how little retweets you’re getting with your TweetMeMe button.

Instead of making your retweet button say something about the greatness of your site and content, it spells out ‘crap content’ when you get a big fat zero for your number of retweets. And it can just hurt the writer and marketer in you. It’s frustrating, I know. I’ve been there.

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do you think people are more likely to turn to God out of fear of the consequences of sin or out of love for God? Why?

I think it would be out of love for God. Fear is a poor reason to change hearts. Only love can move you enough to change your life

Ask me anything

how can a person deal with lust?

Read the Word of God. Don't be idle. Don't feed lust

Ask me anything

what is the connection between lustful look and adultery?

When lust grows in a man's heart - it leads him to pursue sex. And it will sooner or later drive a man to get sex even if it is outside of marriage. The act is just a fruit of the mindset

Ask me anything

If you were going to leave the world one piece of advice before you died, what would you say?

Love God. Fear God. Know God. That's all that matters

Ask me anything

when do you find yourself most vulnerable to the tempter?

When I am idle

Ask me anything

what have you found most helpful in resisting temptation?

The Word of God

Ask me anything

if you were to take God seriously and ask him for one thing now, what would it be?

That I could see the face of Jesus Christ

Ask me anything

If you could build your dream home what would it look like? where would it be? what would be unique about it?

It would look like me, my wife and children. That's all that matters

Ask me anything

who is one of the greatest people of faith you've ever met? what touched you about that person's life?

Pastor Dennis Sy. He lived his life through faith - his job, his family and marriage, his love for other people, etc...

Ask me anything

what do you think about hell? do you believe in it? if not, why not? if so, why?if so what do you think it will be like? how does this make you feel?

It exists. It is the most unimaginably horrifying place to be

Ask me anything

How do you feel about the bumper sticker " Happiness is being single"?

I think it should say that happiness is knowing God

Ask me anything

what do you need to work on in your spiritual life?

As always, loving my God with all I am and loving others as I love myself

Ask me anything

what are some stumbling blocks to your spiritual growth??

Sin - all kinds of sin

Ask me anything

what are some tough things that lie ahead of you?

Speaking in iloilo. Dunno how to get there. Haha

Ask me anything

what is one thing you can say for certain about the day and the hour of the second coming of Christ?

I can say that it will never be revealed to us as to when it'll happen

Ask me anything

what are some of your talents? how have you worked at developing them?

I develop it through reading and blogging

Ask me anything

who was one of your heroes when you were growing up? how did you try to imitate him or her?

Pastor Dennis Sy. I try to follow his life and make it as my example of a life to live for God

Ask me anything

what's the principle for a christian in dealing with someone who has wronged you?

Deal with that someone kindly. Love that person

Ask me anything

what do you value most in a persons character?

Humility and wisdom

Ask me anything

what advice would you give to woman going down the wrong path?

Read the Bible. Pray. Listen to what God tells you. Realize it. Act. Make a choice.

Ask me anything

What's the best thing about having a christian Blog? :)

I get to share God in my life to the World

Ask me anything

Friday, August 20, 2010

what does your name mean?

My name - h3sean? I just took up my yahoo messenger ID. I created my YM id when I was in 3rd year highschool (we call it high-3 back then) so the h3 came from that.

Ask me anything

what is one of the most memorable dream you have ever had?

I would say when I dreamt of my mom's death. It stuck into my mind. And it made me love and cherish her so much more up until today.

Ask me anything

when have you had a judgemental attitude? what did this do to you? to others? How would you recommend approaching people who need help or correction? How would you want someone to approach you?

I did have a judgmental attitude and I do believe that I do even now - everyone has to be judgmental at some degree in order to assess what should be done right. But it has to be taken in balance so as not to offend God with your pride nor other people with what you say.

I would recommend that you first admit your human frailty. Most, if not all the people I have corrected committed sins that I too have committed at some point in my life. I'd like someone to approach me (with rebuke) the same way. Honest, concise, humble and with the Word of God.

Ask me anything

I believed you were a friend @ one time..... I wonder what happened.....

I don't believe I understand the question. Sorry.

Ask me anything

if you have children or plan to have them, what would you like to pass on to them? How would you pass these things on?

All I ever aspired to pass on to my Children-to-be is that this life is all about one person - God. I plan to pass it on to them by living out a life that shouts out that my God is real. That I love Him. I revere Him. I honor Him. My children will see it and they will have no reason to doubt it.

Ask me anything

Thursday, August 19, 2010

what do you feel about people who swear because they think its cool?

Doing things because it's cool is a very shallow reason. Better look at it in a perspective of whether is it wise or not.

Ask me anything

do u like justin bieber? ;)

I neither like nor dislike him

Ask me anything

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you feel about teenagers engaging in premarital sex?

It's been the culture and the norm of today. But I am definitely against it. I feel saddened by the fact that the teenagers today are led to the mindset that sex is alright. That it's normal and natural and allowable so long as they're practicing 'safe' sex.

The Bible clearly states that it's a sin. And those teenagers definitely feel something before and after the act of premarital sex.
Before: They feel tense. They know it's wrong.
After: They feel empty - because they've exhausted all the pleasure. Pleasure that is for pleasure's sake.

Ask me anything

Monday, August 16, 2010

No Excuse for Masturbation | God and you

If you’re honest enough, you know that a lot of people are struggling with this word that we all find hard to say. Somehow the word masturbation ain’t so good to hear and we cringe when we hear the word. Especially when we’re guilty.


It has been glorified to this extent - a month to celebrate it

This entry is, of course, based on my personal experience as someone guilty of such a sin and is also based on discussions and arguments I’ve heard regarding the topic itself

When the world says it’s alright

“Everyone does it anyway”

“So? No one else is affected”

“Who says it’s a sin?”

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Answer to Biblical Mysteries | God and you

There are so many lingering questions about the Bible in people’s minds – even today. There are just some things that can never be answered regarding the Bible. They say it’s a mystery. Some say it’s an impossibility. I say I know the answer. But will you be able to accept it?

Bible Mysteries

There are just some questions without answers in this lifetime

This entry was inspired by my usual walk to the place where I swim laps. During those times I get a lot of time to think.

When I was younger I had so many sets of questions in my mind about the Bible. Questions like:

“How about the other people who are in remote parts of the world?”

“How about the babies who aren’t able to decide and comprehend about Christianity yet?”

“How about the people in the world before Christ?”

And the questions went on and on… It was literally endless.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reasons Some People Don't believe the Bible | God and you

I’m pretty sure you’ve experienced debates and arguments about the Bible even once in your life. Yes, even when you’re not a Christian. Why is it that there are so many disagreements about the Bible? So many doubts about it’s roots? Isn’t there a knockdown argument that can once-and-for-all shut the argument up?

Evolution and the Bible

Biblical evolution? Is there such a thing?

Truth has been watered down

And polluted. These days you just don’t know what’s true anymore. People tell you one thing and another group of people tell you another. Both have evidences to back up their claims. It’s crazy how the world can manipulate evidences and results nowadays. It can certainly confuse you.

Posted via email from h3sean's posterous

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why hacker?

Hello! As you can see in the left sidebar, my definition of hacker is: Hack v. Hacked, Hack·ing, Hacks v.tr.
A person who enjoys learning details of a programming language or system
Also, I like the word :)

Ask me anything

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How to make choices you won't regret | God and you

Choices are an everyday commodity. Every moment of our lives is made up of choices. Whenever we face a crossroads in life, choices are present. Whenever we have an option, a choice is always there. Choice is the result of free will. And it was given to us.

There will ALWAYS be choices

There will ALWAYS be choices

You and me both know that it is inevitable to go through the day making choices. There has not existed a day without a choice. Not making a choice in itself is, paradoxically already a choice. So the question now is how do we make the best of our choices?

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